MAXLOCKS defines a percentage of the lock list held by an application that must be filled before the database manager performs lock escalation. MAXLOCKS定义了应用程序持有的锁列表的百分比,在数据库管理器执行锁升级之前必须填充该锁列表。
However, this may not be a major issue, as the lock table will typically be small and may well be kept entirely in memory by the database manager. 但是,这可能并不是主要的问题,因为锁表通常较小,并且可能由数据库管理器完整地保存在内存中。
Controlled failover can be achieved by stopping the active queue manager and seeing if the standby queue manager acquires a lock on the/ mqha file system and becomes the active queue manager. 要实现受控的故障转移,可以停止活动队列管理器,然后查看备用队列管理器是否能够获取/mqha文件系统上的一个锁并变为活动队列管理器。
In addition, this new version of the NFS protocol supports byte range file locking, whereas previous versions used the lockd protocol provided by the Network Lock Manager. 此外,这个新版本的NFS协议支持字节范围的文件锁定,而先前版本使用的是网络锁管理器(NetworkLockManager)提供的lockd协议。
It holds a lock on the queue manager data to ensure that there is only one active instance of the queue manager. 它可以锁定队列管理器数据,确保队列管理器中只有一个活动实例。
A standardardized pessimistic lock manager. 一个标准化的悲观锁(pessimisticlock)管理器。
The exclusive access lock on the queue manager data and logs is released, and the standby queue manager takes over. 队列管理器数据和日志上的独占访问权锁释放,备用队列管理器接管。
Developers can use pessimistic locking but they will need to define the lock manager using EntityManager's lock() or find() methods. 当然,开发者也可以自行使用悲观锁(pessimisticlocking),但他们需要使用EntityManager的lock()或者find()方法来定义锁管理器。
The implementation relies on Terracotta's lock manager and HA platform and requires no database. 该实现依赖于Terracotta的锁管理器和HA平台,无需数据库。
Number of new locks and lock conversions requested from the lock manager. 锁管理器请求的新锁和锁对话数目。
Replacing all the closed code with open source one: libc_i18n, NFS lock manager, portions of crypto framework, many critical drivers. 使用开源代码替换所有非开源代码包括libci18n、NFS锁管理器、加密框架部分以及大量关键的驱动程序。
The distributed global lock manager ensures the data integrity and consistency in concurrent multiprocessing applications. 分布式的全局锁管理协议为并发多处理应用提供支持。